Developing and implementing a telehealth enhanced interdisciplinary pediatric feeding disorders clinic: A program description and evaluation
Clark, RR | Fischer, AJ | Lehman, EL | Bloomfield, BSJournal: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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March 2019
Dental desensitization for students with autism spectrum disorder through graduated exposure, reinforcement, and reinforcement-fading
Carter, L | Harper, JM | Luiselli, JKJournal: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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March 2019
Using auditory feedback to improve dance movements of children with disabilities
Carrion, TJ | Miltenberger, RG | Quinn, MJournal: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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March 2019
Video activity schedules to increase independence for students with disabilities
Johnson, M | Spriggs, AD | Shepley, SB | Allday, RA | Samudre, MJournal: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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January 2019
A review of school-based interventions to reduce challenging behavior for adolescents with ASD
Rivera, G | Gerow, S | Kirkpatrick, MJournal: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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January 2019
The effect of delay to reinforcement and response effort on response variability for individuals with autism spectrum disorder
Cagliani, RR | Ayres, KM | Ringdahl, JE | Whiteside, EJournal: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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January 2019
Microswitch-cluster technology for promoting occupation and reducing hand biting of six adolescents with Fragile X Syndrome: New evidence and social rating
Perilli, V | Stasolla, F | Caffò, AO | Albano, V | D'Amico, FJournal: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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January 2019
Increasing efficiency in mathematics: Teaching subitizing to students with moderate intellectual disability
Jimenez, B | Saunders, AJournal: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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January 2019
Applying a vibration reminder to ameliorate the hyperactive behavior of students with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in class
Lai, MC | Chiang, MS | Shih, CT | Shih, CHJournal: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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November 2018
The effectiveness of video self-modeling in teaching active video game skills to children with autism spectrum disorder
Kurnaz, E | Yanardag, MJournal: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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An evaluation of the effects of antecedent exercise type on stereotypic behaviors
Lee, J | Vargo, KK | Porretta, DLJournal: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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May 2018
An initial evaluation of trial-based functional analyses of inappropriate mealtime behavior
Hodges, A | Gerow, S | Davis, TN | Radhakrishnan, S | Feind, A | Oguinn, N | Prawira, CJournal: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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May 2018
Using in-vivo modeling and feedback to teach classroom staff to implement a complex behavior intervention plan
Madzharova, MS | Sturmey, P | Yoo, JHJournal: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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May 2018
Fostering locomotion fluency of five adolescents with Rett Syndrome through a microswitch-based program: Contingency awareness and social rating
Stasolla, F | Caffò, AO | Perilli, V | Boccasini, A | Damiani, R | D'Amico, FJournal: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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March 2018
Teaching phonics to preschool children with autism using frequency-building and computer-assisted instruction
O'Brien, M | McTiernan, A | Holloway, JJournal: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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March 2018
A review of prompt-fading procedures: Implications for effective and efficient skill acquisition
Cengher, M | Budd, A | Ferrell, N | Fienup, DMJournal: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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March 2018
Treatment of Self-Injurious Behavior in Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities: A Systematic Review
Gregori, E | Rispoli, M | Gerow, S | Lory, CJournal: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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January 2018
Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders and Comorbid Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: A Review of the Research
Kose, LK | Fox, L | Storch, EAJournal: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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January 2018