Single-case evaluation of oral feeding intervention and gastrostomy tube fading in adults with intellectual and multiple disabilities
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Challenges of online learning for children with special education needs and disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic: A scoping review
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Effectiveness of teaching story-writing strategy to students with intellectual disabilities and their non-disabled peers
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Using behavioural skills training via telehealth to increase teachers use of communication interventions and increase student use of speech-generating devices in a high school functional skills classroom
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Comparing a playful interactive product to watching television: An exploratory study for people with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities
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Using interactive web training to teach parents to select function-based interventions for challenging behavior: A preliminary study
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AAC technologies with visual scene displays and “just in time” programming and symbolic communication turns expressed by students with severe disability
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Using microswitch-aided programs for people with multiple disabilities to promote stimulation control and mild physical exercise
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Increasing day service staff capacity to facilitate positive relationships with people with severe intellectual disability: Evaluation of a new intervention using multiple baseline design
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Implementing structured consultation with autism spectrum disorder early intervention practitioners
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Positive behavior support: What model of disability does it represent?
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Teaching social behaviour to individuals diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder using the cool versus not cool procedure in a small group instructional format
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MoreTeaching receptive labelling to children with autism spectrum disorder: A comparative study using infant-directed song and infant-directed speech
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