Psychological flexibility of parents of children with disabilities: A systematic literature review
Gur, A | Reich, AJournal: Research in Developmental Disabilities
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Adapting a virtual manipulative-based instructional sequence to target maintenance
Bassette, L | Bouck, EJournal: Research in Developmental Disabilities
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April 2023
Using the high-probability instructional sequence to improve initiation and completion of low-probability instructions in young autistic children
Russo, DA | Cho Blair, KSJournal: Research in Developmental Disabilities
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February 2023
An initial pilot study examining child social skills, caregiver styles, and family functioning in the PEERS® for Preschoolers Program for young autistic children and their caregivers
Factor, RS | Rea, HM | Dahiya, AV | Albright, J | Ollendick, TH | Laugeson, EA | Scarpa, AJournal: Research in Developmental Disabilities
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January 2022
Accuracy of caregiver identification of demands for children with escape-maintained challenging behavior
Simmons, CA | Sethi, R | Ford, KRJournal: Research in Developmental Disabilities
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December 2021
Virtual reality and naturalistic developmental behavioral interventions for children with autism spectrum disorder
Dechsling, A | Shic, F | Zhang, D | Marschik, PB | Esposito, G | Orm, S | Sütterlin, S | Kalandadze, T | Øien, RA | Nordahl-Hansen, AJournal: Research in Developmental Disabilities
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March 2021
A comparison of single-case evaluation tools applied to functional communication training with augmentative and alternative communication supports for students with developmental disabilities
Ousley, CL | Raulston, TJ | Gregori, EV | McNaughton, D | Bhana, N | Mantzoros, TJournal: Research in Developmental Disabilities
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December 2020
iPad and repeated reading to improve reading comprehension for young adults with intellectual disability
Alqahtani, SSJournal: Research in Developmental Disabilities
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July 2020
Teaching students with intellectual and developmental disabilities to calculate cost after discounts via schematic diagrams
Bouck, EC | Long, HJournal: Research in Developmental Disabilities
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May 2020
Teaching students with ASD to solve fraction computations using a video modeling instructional package
Yakubova, G | Hughes, EM | Chen, BBJournal: Research in Developmental Disabilities
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April 2020
Response shaping to improve food acceptance for children with autism: Effects of small and large food sets
Turner, VR | Ledford, JR | Lord, AK | Harbin, ERJournal: Research in Developmental Disabilities
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February 2020
Interventions to improve sleep for individuals with Angelman syndrome: A systematic review
Egan, M | Farrell, K | Hoey, E | McGuire, BE | Lydon, HKJournal: Research in Developmental Disabilities
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January 2020
Immediate effects of coloured overlays on the reading performance of preschool children with an autism spectrum disorder using eye tracking
Fong, KNK | Ma, WY | Pang, HK | Tang, PPK | Law, LLFJournal: Research in Developmental Disabilities
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April 2019
Tablet-based interventions for individuals with ASD: Evidence of generalization and maintenance effects
Hong, ER | Kawaminami, S | Neely, L | Morin, K | Davis, JL | Gong, LJournal: Research in Developmental Disabilities
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Generalization and maintenance of functional communication training for individuals with developmental disabilities: A systematic and quality review
Neely, L | Garcia, E | Bankston, B | Green, AJournal: Research in Developmental Disabilities
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Methodological quality of meta-analyses of single-case experimental studies
Jamshidi, L | Heyvaert, M | Declercq, L | Fernández-Castilla, B | Ferron, JM | Moeyaert, M | Beretvas, N | Onghena, P | Van den Noortgate, WJournal: Research in Developmental Disabilities
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The impact of response-guided baseline phase extensions on treatment effect estimates
Joo, SH | Ferron, JM | Beretvas, SN | Moeyaert, M | Van den Noortgate, WJournal: Research in Developmental Disabilities
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