Treatment of echolalia in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A systematic review
Neely, L | Gerow, S | Rispoli, M | Lang, R | Pullen, NJournal: Review Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
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MoreFunctional analysis of maladaptive behaviors: Rule as a transitive conditioned motivating operation
Belfiore, PJ | Kitchen, T | Lee, DLJournal: Research in Developmental Disabilities
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MoreA teaching procedure to help children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder to label emotions
Conallen, K | Reed, PJournal: Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
Pigeons’ demand and preference for specific and generalized conditioned reinforcers in a token economy
Tan, L | Hackenberg, TDJournal: Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
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MorePreference pulses and the win-stay, fix-and-sample model of choice
Hachiga, Y | Sakagami, T | Silberberg, AJournal: Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
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MoreReinforced behavioral variability: Working towards an understanding of its behavioral mechanisms
Doughty, AH | Galizio, AJournal: Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
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MoreWhen good pigeons make bad decisions: Choice with probabilistic delays and outcomes
Pisklak, JM | McDevitt, MA | Dunn, RM | Spetch, MLJournal: Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
Intraverbal naming and equivalence class formation in children
Carp, CL | Petursdottir, AIJournal: Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
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MoreThe recurrence of negatively reinforced responding of humans
Alessandri, J | Lattal, KA | Cançado, CRXJournal: Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
In memoriam: Edmund J Fantino
Silberberg, AJournal: Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior
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MoreA comparison of vocal mand training strategies for children with autism spectrum disorders
Plavnick, JB | Vitale, FAJournal: Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions
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MoreEffects of a staff training program on community instructors’ ability to teach swimming skills to children with autism
Jull, S | Mirenda, PJournal: Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions
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MoreAn evaluation of group contingency interventions: The role of teacher preference
Ennis, CR | Blair, KC | George, HPJournal: Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions
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MoreIntegrating universal behavioral screening within program-wide positive behavioral interventions and supports
Burke, MD | Rispoli, MC | Clemens, NH | Lee, YH | Sanchez, L | Hatton, HJournal: Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions
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Lee, J | Oah, SJournal: Journal of Organizational Behavior Management
Should you order the feedback sandwich? Efficacy of feedback sequence and timing
Henley, AJ | DiGennaro Reed, FDJournal: Journal of Organizational Behavior Management
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MoreAn evaluation of training procedures for animal shelter volunteers
Howard, VJ | Digennaro Reed, FDJournal: Journal of Organizational Behavior Management
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MoreThe impact of a context switch and context instructions on the return of verbally conditioned fear
Mertens, G | Houwer, JDJournal: Journal of Behavior Therapy and Experimental Psychiatry
A component analysis of toilet-training procedures recommended for young children
Greer, BD | Neidert, PL | Dozier, CLJournal: Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis
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