Using a video feedback intervention package to improve affective empathy skills for adolescents with autism spectrum disorder
Josol, CK | Fisher, MH | Brodhead, MT | Dueñas, AJournal: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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March 2022
Teaching basketball shooting skills to children with autism spectrum disorder
Thomas, BR | Gumaer, C | Charlop, MHJournal: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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March 2022
Augmentative and alternative communication for children with intellectual and developmental disability: a mega-review of the literature
Crowe, B | Machalicek, W | Wei, Q | Drew, C | Ganz, JJournal: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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March 2022
Behavioral treatment of problem behavior for an adult with autism spectrum disorder and misophonia
Haq, SS | Alresheed, F | Tu, JCJournal: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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December 2021
An evaluation of reinforcer magnitude and echoic prompts on vocal requesting of individuals with autism spectrum disorder
Muharib, R | Lang, R | Walker, VL | Phinney, A | Rodriguez, MJournal: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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Use of an online training with virtual role play to teach preference assessment implementation
Bottini, S | Gillis, JJournal: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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December 2021
Step-instruction technology to help people with intellectual and other disabilities perform multistep tasks: A literature review
Desideri, L | Lancioni, G | Malavasi, M | Gherardini, A | Cesario, LJournal: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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December 2021
Promoting object manipulation and reducing tongue protrusion in seven children with Angelman Syndrome and developmental disabilities through microswitch-cluster technology: A research extension
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September 2021
Behavioral safety assessment and intervention among residential care providers of students with intellectual and developmental disabilities
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Use of an exit criterion for a clinical paediatric feeding case in-home
Taylor, TJournal: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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May 2021
An evaluation of fidelity of implementation of a manualized social-play intervention
Sipila-Thomas, ES | Brodhead, MT | Blavnick, JB | White, ANJournal: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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Functional analysis and treatment of multiply maintained operant vomiting
Falligant, JM | Pence, ST | Sullivan, C | Luna, OJournal: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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January 2021
Using a virtual number line and corrective feedback to teach addition of integers to middle school students with developmental disabilities
Bouck, EC | Long, H | Park, JJournal: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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January 2021
An evaluation of the functions of challenging behavior in toddlers with and without autism spectrum disorder
Hong, E | Matson, JLJournal: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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January 2021
A comparison of manual sign and speech generating devices in the natural environment
Brodhead, MT | Brouwers, LF | Sipila-Thomas, ES | Rispoli, MJJournal: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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August 2020
The use of repeated reading with systematic error correction for elementary students with mild intellectual disability and other comorbid disorders: A systematic replication study
Strickland, WD | Boon, RT | Mason, LLJournal: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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August 2020
The effectiveness of video prompting in teaching children with autism the skill of drawing a six-part person
Akmanoğlu, N | Pektaş-Karabekir, EJournal: Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
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A review of prompt-fading procedures, Part II: Parameters and components
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An additive analysis of lag schedules of reinforcement and rules on novel responses of individuals with autism spectrum disorder
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