You don't have time to search the scholarly literature to find the latest behavior analytic publications. Yet, as scientist practitioners it's your duty to know the research. That's why we do it for you.

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Developed by a behavior analyst. Organized by a librarian.
Your discipline-specific research team at The PartnerShip collates the latest research related to practicing behavior analysts. We browse 83 peer-reviewed journals and post the latest research to Current Contents in ABA. We give you the article title and the abstract. Plus, if there is a free full text version available we give you the link! Just click through and start reading! Don't worry, we search all year long to update the free content in Current Contents in ABA. If it's available for free, you can access it here.
Current Contents in ABA can be sorted, filtered, and searched to meet your needs. The best thing is, the list of articles you are searching through are articles you should be aware of anyway.
With an annual subscription, you get access to the latest articles published every month and you get help finding full text versions when available. If you can't easily find what you are looking for, contact us. We can help you find full text versions through other resources.
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