The sustainability of a workplace wellness program that incorporates gamification principles: Participant engagement and health benefits after 2 years
Lowensteyn, I | Berberian, V | Berger, C | Joseph, L | Grover, SAJournal: American Journal of Health Promotion
Fee For Access Articles
August 2019
Are financial incentives for lifestyle behavior change informed or inspired by behavioral economics? A mapping review
McGill, B | O'Hara, BJ | Bauman, A | Grunseit, AC | Phongsavan, PJournal: American Journal of Health Promotion
Fee For Access Articles
January 2019
A systematic review of interventions to enhance healthy lifestyle behaviors in adolescents delivered via mobile phone text messaging
Loescher, LJ | Rains, SA | Kramer, SS | Akers, C | Moussa, RJournal: American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology
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April 2018