Encouraging multiculturalism and diversity within organizational behavior management
Akpapuna, M | Choi, E | Johnson, DA | Lopez, JAJournal: Journal of Organizational Behavior Management
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Issues with private practice
Wine, B | Pritchard, JKJournal: Journal of Organizational Behavior Management
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Professional development in organizational behavior management
King, AH | Therrien, KJournal: Journal of Organizational Behavior Management
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Using direct observation to document “practice-based evidence” of evidence-based mathematics instruction
Doabler, CT | Clarke, B | Kosty, D | Turtura, JE | Sutherland, M | Maddox, SA | Smolkowski, KJournal: Journal of Learning Disabilities
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A systematic review of behaviour analytic interventions for young children with intellectual disabilities
Ho, H | Perry, A | Koudys, JJournal: Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
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Process-based functional analysis can help behavioral science step up to novel challenges: COVID-19 as an example
Hayes, SC | Hofmann, SG | Stanton, CEJournal: Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science
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Interbehavior as a clinical focus on CBS: A response to Hayes and Fryling (2019)
Sandoz, EKJournal: Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science
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Seeking to be serviceable some reflections on Hayes and Fryling (2019)
Rehfeldt, RA | Root, WB | Wilson, AN | Schmidt, DCJournal: Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science
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The flourishing footballers programme: Using psycho-education to develop resilience through ACT
Gervis, M | Goldman, AJournal: Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science
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The effects of bilingual Acceptance and Commitment Training (ACT) on exercise in bilingual international university students
Wang, Y | Tarbox, J | Chastain, AN | Cameron, MJJournal: Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science
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Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) for adults with intellectual disabilities and/or autism spectrum conditions (ASC): A systematic review
Byrne, G | O'Mahony, TJournal: Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science
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Effects of acceptance and commitment therapy on process measures of family caregivers: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Han, A | Yuen, HK | Lee, HY | Zhou, XJournal: Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science
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The empirical status of acceptance and commitment therapy: A review of meta-analyses
Gloster, AT | Walder, N | Leviin, ME | Twohig, MP | Karekla, MJournal: Journal of Contextual Behavioral Science
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A preliminary analysis of equivalence-based instruction to train instructors to implement discrete trial teaching
Cariveau, T | La Cruz Montilla, A | Ball, S | Gonzalez, EJournal: Journal of Behavioral Education
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Improving compliance in primary school students with autism spectrum disorder
Imasaka, T | Lee, PL | Anderson, A | Wong, CWR | Moore, DW | Furlonger, B | Bussaca, MJournal: Journal of Behavioral Education
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At the intersection of derived relations and observational learning: Teaching fraction-percentage relations
Verdun, VR | Chiasson, BA | Fienup, DMJournal: Journal of Behavioral Education
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Targeted and intensive consultation for increasing head start and elementary teachers’ behavior-specific praise
LaBrot, ZC | Dufrene, BA | Whipple, H | McCargo, M | Pasqua, JLJournal: Journal of Behavioral Education
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Training of paraprofessionals by their classroom teachers: A descriptive evaluation of pyramidal training outcomes
Lerman, DC | Luck, KM | Smothermon, S | Zey, BA | Custer, T | Smith, LDJournal: Journal of Behavioral Education
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