A teaching procedure to help children with Autistic Spectrum Disorder to label emotions
Conallen, K | Reed, PJournal: Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
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December 2015
Assessment of feeding problems in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Aponte, CA | Romanczyk, RGJournal: Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
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November 2015
Assessing competencies in applied behavior analysis for tutors working with children with autism in a school-based setting
Denne, LD | Thomas, E | Hastings, RP | Hughes, JCJournal: Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
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September 2015
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MoreA systematic review of the effects of choice on academic outcomes for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Reutebuch, CK | Zein, FE | Roberts, GJJournal: Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
Free Articles | Literature Review
August 2015
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MoreThe effectiveness of self-management interventions for children with autism- A literature review
Aljadeff-Abergel, E | Schenk, Y | Walmsley, C | Peterson, SM | Frieder, JE | Acker, NJournal: Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
Fee For Access Articles | Literature Review
July 2015
Exposure and response prevention therapy with cognitive defusion exercises to reduce repetitive and restrictive behaviors displayed by children with autism spectrum disorder
Eilers, HJ | Hayes, SCJournal: Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
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July 2015
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MoreCorrelation between PEAK relational training system and one-word picture vocabulary tests
McKeel, A | Rowsey, K | Dixon, MR | Daar, JHJournal: Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
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February 2015
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MoreThe relative effects of social stories and video modeling toward increasing eye contact of adolescents with autism spectrum disorder
O'Handley, RD | Radley, KC | Whipple, HMJournal: Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
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January 2015
Teaching individuals with autism receptive labeling skills involving conditional discriminations: A comparison of mass trial and intermixing before random rotation, random rotation only and combined blocking
Holmes, EJ | Eikeseth, S | Schulze, KAJournal: Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
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January 2015
Self-instruction using mobile technology to learn functional skills
Smith, KA | Shepley, SB | Alexander, JL | Davis, A | Ayres, KMJournal: Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
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January 2015
Comparison between visual scene displays and exchange-based communication in augmentative and alternative communication for children with ASD
Ganz, JB | Hong, ER | Gilliland, W | Morin, K | Svenkerud, NJournal: Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
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January 2015
Comparing the percentage of non-overlapping data approach and the hierarchical linear modeling approach for synthesizing single-case studies in autism research
Heyvaert, M | Saenen, L | Maes, B | Onghena, PJournal: Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
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January 2015
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MoreAn examination of response variability in children with autism and the relationship to restricted repetitive behavior subtypes
Murray, C | Healy, OJournal: Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders
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January 2015
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